
Articles Posted in Asset Protection


New Study: Marriage Boosts Retirement Security

Do I have enough to retire? Countless New Yorkers ask their financial advisers, estate planning attorneys, and other professionals that very question each and every day. There is no one-size-fits-all response, as retirement is a personal matter based on individual expectations, goals, and perspective. Mountains of pages have been written…


Don’t Underestimate Medical Costs in Retirement

The fiscal cliff crisis dominated the last month of 2012. Even though an agreement was reached on New Years Day, the compromise is far from the end of partisan political battles and confusion. Observers are already making predictions about the possible implications of the looming “debt ceiling” fight between the…


Elder Financial Exploitation: Prevention & Reporting Abuse

Earlier this week we shared information on the new guide from ElderCare Locator. The brochure (available here) provides helpful tips for all New York families to ensure theft from seniors is stopped. As noted, the problem is widespread, affecting as many as one in ten elderly community members. Unfortunately, there…


Legislators Issue Call to Protect Medicare & Medicaid From Fiscal Cliff Talks

Talks between President Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner to avert the “fiscal cliff” continue this weeks. While not the only leaders involved in the effort, most disagreement on the issues exist between the President and House Republicans. Some observers are confident that the parties will reach an…


Holiday Gatherings: Time to Check for Senior Financial Exploitation

If there was an easy way to identify and prevent seniors being taken advanage of financially, then the rate of exploitation would be far lower than it is. The stark reality is that it is a big challenge to catch elder financial abuse before it occurs and identify the problem…


Don’t Wait for Disaster to Plan for the Future

Hurricane Sandy brought with it many preparedness lessons. Everyone leads a busy life, and it is easy to procrastinate on matters that do not have immediate ramifications. Update the will or drive Mom to her doctor’s appointment? No contest. Often it is only when something is barrelling down on us–like…


Failure to Update a Plan Nightmare

Estate planning takes time. Unfortunately, considering the daily time stresses faced by all local residents, our New York elder law estate planning attorneys appreciate that there is often not a sense of “urgency” with this planning. It is usually a task that gets pushed to the side while day-to-day choeres…

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