Say you live here in New York and made significant plans to avoid probate. You have a will, own a business that you pass on and even set aside significant assets for your grandchildren. You worked hard to put your financial house in order. Now you find out that you…
Articles Posted in Asset Protection
Perhaps your prodigal child wants to start a law firm or a medical practice and needs start up funding. You have some money set aside for your children’s and grandchildren’s inheritance but agree to loan them the money out of this fund. It’s not uncommon for these monies to be…
Intellectual property is an umbrella term that includes several different specific areas of the law. Trademark law, patent law, copyright laws and trade secret laws are all examples of intellectual property laws. The constitution guarantees that the federal government has exclusive jurisdiction over patent and copyright laws. Patent and copyright…
Back to the Basics – Wills and the Blended Family
Ensuring that your family knows what happens to your property and assets after your death is always a challenge. A Will can help make the decision less challenging and provide solid guidance to your family at a difficult time. A Will is a legal document, which decides who receives your…
Using Beneficiaries as Part of Your Estate Plan – Part II: Considerations
An earlier post on this blog provided an overview of using beneficiary designations as part of your estate plan. Recall that beneficiary designations are a way to transfer property automatically upon the death of the asset owner outside of the probate process. This post is part II of that discussion,…
Using Beneficiaries as Part of Your Estate Plan – Part I: Overview
One of the essential functions of an effective estate plan is efficiently distributing your assets upon death. Using a beneficiary designation on assets that transfer on death can be a tool to efficiently transfer certain assets with ease if properly completed. Assets that can be transferred to a designated beneficiary…
Early Withdrawals from Qualified Retirement Plans
Are you not quite at retirement age, but in need of early access to your qualified retirement plan account? If you are not close to retirement, are you thinking about taking a withdrawal or loan from your qualified retirement plan account to help out with the care of your aging…
Back to the Basics – Demystifying Probate
Are you being told to avoid probate at all costs? The probate process is characterized as a long and tedious process of endless red tape and expense. In many cases avoiding probate can be a worthwhile goal; however, a closer look at the probate process may reduce the angst that…
Establishing a Charitable Trust as Part of Your Estate Plan
Trusts can be used as a useful tool in your estate plan to accomplish a variety of goals. One example is establishing a split-interest charitable trust. These charitable trusts are an irrevocable trust established for a charitable purpose of your choosing, while at the same time featuring a benefit to…
Issues to Consider When Giving an Early Inheritance
You have saved and invested throughout your life to build enough wealth to fund your retirement. You have worked with your estate planning attorney to establish an estate plan to leave behind assets to your loved ones to share after you pass away. However, like many individuals, you are now…