
Articles Posted in Asset Protection


The Danger of Unrestricted Bequests and Gifts

The Inheritance Left To University of New Hampshire By A Long Time Library Employee Was Spent In A Way That Raised A Few Eyebrows Longtime University of New Hampshire library cataloguer died last year at the age 77. As his final wish to the world he left the entirety of…


IRS Rules Now Reflect Updated Same Sex Marriage Rulings

New Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service Final Regulations Now Reflect Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges and Windsor v. United States Rulings On September 2nd, the final regulations that reflect the holdings of the Supreme Court rulings that upheld same-sex marriage laws around the country as well as…


What You Need To Know About Multinational Estate Planning

One of the more unique present day aspects of estate planning comes from the very mobile and connected nature that many people who need estate planning have. Many people will not just move across countries for their jobs but across borders. Globalization has brought the world closer together but added…


Estate Planning – Learning From Gene Wilder

2016 will undoubtedly go down as an infamous year of celebrity deaths and the unfortunate passing of celebrities continue. The world lost one of its funniest men this past August: Gene Wilder, star of Blazing Saddles, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Young Frankenstein and The Producers. He continued to…


The Emergency Preparedness Rule

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services finalized a rule recently in light of the most recent natural disasters in Louisiana that compromised the safety and well being of many Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries throughout the affected area. Unfortunately, this rule came as a direct response not only to the…


Future Federal Estate Tax May Look Different Depending On Our Next President

The first presidential debate of 2016 was the most watched debate in United States’ history. The two candidates hold very different positions from each other and no more so than on the topic of the federal estate tax. The federal estate tax has a very checkered history in American politics,…


Back to the Basics – The Notice Act

Rising Medical Bills Experiencing a life threatening accident or injury is one of the scariest and most confusing times in a person’s life, but what further complicates these emotional times are the staggering medical bills received after, without warning. In an effort to combat receiving these unexpectedly high bills and…

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