
Articles Posted in Asset Protection


Fives Ways to Protect Your Estate Plan

Estate planning should be a lifelong process. It is never too early to start the estate planning process, even with minimal assets at a younger age. Once you have a comprehensive estate planning framework in place, it is important to update it as life events change your circumstances. Much like…


Beneficiary Forms and Estate Planning

Understanding the different aspects of estate planning is a crucial part of creating a comprehensive estate plan that accomplishes your individual goals. For probate assets, many individuals utilize a Last will and Testament to direct the distribution of assets subject to probate. Non-probate assets, such as life insurance policies and…


Property and How to Plan For It With Your Estate Attorney

How property and assets are distributed when you pass can be a sensitive topic that many people do not like to address, in fact, more than half of Americans die without a will every year. This failure to plan for the distribution of assets and property can leave many interested…


Business Ownership and Estate Planning: Recapitalization

The estate planning process can be complex and confusing, which is one of the reasons it is a good idea to work with an experienced estate planning attorney as part of creating a comprehensive estate planning strategy. This is especially true for business owners. Recently, we wrote about some important…


Tips to Minimize Fighting Over Your Estate Plan

Estate planning is not something that should be taken lightly, and understanding the gravity that comes with your estate planning decisions is an important part of creating a comprehensive estate plan. However, one of the most common problems with estate plans is that while they may accurately reflect your wishes,…


Follow-up Care for Your Estate Plan

Estate planning is an important step in making sure your assets are secure and will be distributed according to your wishes when you die. It can be a complicated procedure, but an experienced New York estate planning attorney can help you make sure that your estate plan is comprehensive and…


Changes in Retirement Could Mean Changes to Your Estate Plan

The financial market is expansive and can change overnight. recently wrote about several important ways retirement is likely to change in 2017 that could impact millions of people and require you to engage in or reevaluate your estate planning. According to the article, several things you should pay attention…


Protecting Yourself from Elder Financial Abuse

All too often, unscrupulous people attempt to take advantage of others. This is especially common with elderly individuals. When this happens, it is known as elder financial abuse, and it can have a significant negative effect on your estate. Recently, USA Today reported on this growing problem by discussing testimony…


Back to the Basics – Pet Trusts

In a recent blog, we discussed pet owner’s options for naming their pets as beneficiaries in their wills. Another option for pet owners to provider for their pet after death is creating a pet trust. Pet trusts offer a wide variety of options to provide for the pet and can…


Social Security Earnings Test & Increases in 2017

The Social Security Administration recently released a list of changes to take place in 2017, which included the cost of living adjustment that we discussed in a previous article, as well as a new earnings test limits for those older adults who continue to work but qualify for social security.…

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