
Articles Posted in Aging


Book Review: “SuperAging” by David Cravit and LarryWolf

Subtitled “Getting Older Without Getting Old” this new book starts with the premise “…imagine bringing a whole lifetime of knowledge, experience, skills, talent, relationships, wisdom (and, let’s face it, money) to two or three more decades ahead of you in which to leverage all those assets into an ongoing wonderful…


You Cannot Disinherit Your Spouse

New York law prevents spouses from being disinherited. Instead, a spouse who is disinherited may go to court and claim their “elective share” which is the greater of fifty thousand dollars or one-third of the estate. Questions often arise as what the “estate” of the deceased spouse consists of. Naturally,…


Book Review: “The Good Life”, by Robert Waldinger, MD and Marc Schulz, PhD

Published this year, “The Good Life” reports on the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest scientific study of happiness ever done. Tracking the lives of hundreds of participants for over 80 years, the report concludes that it is the strength of our relationships with friends, relatives and co-workers that…

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