
5 Tips on Caring for a Long-Distance Aging Parent

Trying to care for an aged parent is a challenging and sometimes impossible-seeming task. Whether you live a few hours away from your parent or on the other side of the country, it’s common to end up whether you are providing your parents with adequate care. 


As a result, this article reviews some helpful tips to make sure that you provide the best long-distance care possible for an aging parent.


# 1 – Decide What You Can (And Can’t) Do


You reasonably can not do everything for your parent. Instead, it’s best to be reasonable and focus on what you can do. This means recognizing both your strengths and weaknesses. For example, you might be able to provide financial help, but be less prepared to organize or coordinate medical care. Once you recognize what you can not do, you’ll have a much easier time addressing the gaps. 


# 2 – Consider Potential Living Arrangements


Sometimes as a parent ages, the care that they require changes. In some situations, families decide to move closer to their parent. Other times, families decide that it’s a better idea to move closer to a parent. If moving is not a possibility, it might be possible to hire a caregiver who can provide your loved one with the necessary support. 


# 3 – Hold a Family Meeting


Family meetings are the best way to establish that everyone related to the aging individual is on the same page about what’s best for the individual.


Whether you decide to conduct the meeting in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing, it’s important to understand what the big issues are and what your parent needs and wants. This way, you can then establish a plan of action that accommodates everyone’s skill sets and schedules. 


Also during family meetings, everyone can assume responsibility and agree on how things should best be handled. It’s also a good idea to make sure that someone has written permission to receive both financial and medical advice from your loved one. 


# 4 – Plan Visits


It’s critical to see your loved one routinely, even if it’s not as often as you’d like. Coordinate with your caregiver on the timing of your visit and inquire about how you can help the caregiver take a break as well as what your loved one needs. 


# 5 – Create an Emergency Plan


If your loved one experiences an accident or other type of emergency, you will need to create a plan to make sure that you can get to the nursing home quickly. 


Establishing a support system of people who can step in if you must suddenly leave your daily life is also a good idea. This might mean keeping a list of contact information and people who have agreed to function in certain roles. Some people even go so far as to permanently leave a travel bag packed.


# 6 – Stay Connected


Some families find it helpful to schedule conference calls with nursing home staff to receive up-to-date details about how a loved one is doing. If you have a loved one who routinely checks in on your parent, you should also make sure to update them. 


Speak with a Compassionate Elder Law Attorney


If you’re facing challenges related to elder law, one of the best things that you can do is obtain the assistance of an experienced attorney. Do not hesitate to schedule a free case evaluation with an attorney at Ettinger Law Firm

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